Half of the gallery with the dress and video display
Dress based on the story closeup
A Gold Slipper
Monday November 29, 2021 to Friday January 21, 2022
The Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery on East Campus HSB 2nd floor hosts an exhibition of art and animation by Assistant Professor Michael Burton which is based on a short story by Willa Cather titled A Gold Slipper. Burton’s Animating History Lab (including CEHS grads, undergrads, and alumni) helped create costumes and film for the exhibition. Illustrations of objects from the Historic Textiles and Costume Collection, a velvet dress based on Cather’s writing, and Burton’s recent article published in The Willa Cather Review will be on view from Nov 29, 2021 – Jan 21st, 2022
The other half of the gallery space