Human Connections

Image of the left side of the gallery showing multiple pieces

Image of the right side of the gallery showing multiple pieces

Detail image of the chain and telephone pieces

Human Connections
Tuesday December 20, 2022 to Wednesday February 15, 2023

Textile, Merchandising, and Fashion Design students explored physical and metaphorical “human connections” through the creation of wearable art made from chipboard. Sketching and 3D modeling were used to conceptualize ideas. Students then learned to use Blender, a 3D modeling software, in conjunction with moveable 3D scans of themselves to visualize their ideas in real space. Blender also allowed for exploration of organic and geometric shapes in relation to flat patterns for project construction. Final Projects were created using chipboard, brass tacks, glue, and tape to create a physical and metaphorical connection between humans. 

Detail of shoes

Detail of Hearts

Detail of snake